I want to be the $2000 Man

Fast Company reports on the winners of this year's Dyson Award. This is a pretty impressive device, offering a 20-degree improvement in range of motion. I'm puzzled that the target audience seems to be hospitals. I'd do the therapy if a device like this…

How Did I Miss this Kickstarter?

> Just when you thought your smartphone was pluripotent....now you can control cyborg cockroaches http://t.co/RHiCUp3BaT no thanks! — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) October 9, 2013 [https://twitter.com/EricTopol/statuses/387793122031198209] I [first heard about stuff like this in August 2012](http://mikeschultz.ghost.io/backyard-brains-and-ot/)but I…

Here's Why I bought a Fitbit

This study is reported at Medical News Today with the headline ”Stroke Survivors Benefit From Regular, Brisk Outdoor Walks” and contains the following > Previous studies have already suggested that exercise that doesn’t put undue stresson the body can help stroke survivors increase their quality of life, but these…

Teaching Piano to Disabled Students from Afar

Piano teacher Mark Miller uses Skype to meet the needs of disabled students around the world. I don’t know if I was more excited by this story of a stroke patient > When Kay Breslin, one of Miller’s former local students suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed…

Vacuum-powered Casting Material

Hard not to pass this on when the cast I’m wearing on my wrist looks almost exactly like the one pictured at Gizmodo. But the cast I’m wearing is made of a material that had to be wetted before it became rigid. Vacuum-powered casting material [http://gizmodo.com/…

Muscle-produced Force Feedback

So I’ve seen [electrotherapy repurposed to art](http://mikeschultz.ghost.io/a-new-empi/). Now it’s being repurposed to gaming.via Gizmodo [http://gizmodo.com/5981787/creepy-smartphone-add+on-shocks-your-muscles-for-realistic-force-feedback]…

Robotic Therapy for Stroke Patients

> “Combining robotic exercise with regular rehabilitation may be the key to successful intervention,” said Kayoko Takahashi, lead author of the study. Robots could allow therapists to focus on helping patients master daily activities while maintaining repetitive training, Takahashi said. The new study involved 60 stroke survivors with hemiplegia (paralysis…

Robotic Arm

Sounds an awful lot like the story recounted in The Electric Mind [https://mikeschultz.ghost.io/electric-mind/], but encouraging nonetheless. [Using the Brain to Control a Robotic Arm]…