Never too late

Certainly not a flashy video, but it's awfully good to hear it affirmed that it's never too late to start stroke rehab.…

Sauntering with Thoreau

> "It is a great art to saunter." #Thoreau [] #Quote [] — Henry David Thoreau (@ThoreauPage) April 6, 2014 [] Ths has more than one level of…

How Touchscreens can help stroke patients

> How touchscreen technology from a #smartphone [] can help your doctor measure how you’re moving after a #stroke [], — Natl Stroke Assoc (@natlstrokeassoc) March 12, 2014 [https://twitter.…

No Plateau in Sight

> @polarben [] "It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin — Katherine Konner (@soulboat) February 21, 2014 [] You wouldn't expect a…

Digital Footprints

> There’s something distinctly unfriendly in requiring people to participate in your chosen broadcast forum in order to participate in your life, rather than reaching out to them individually. It’s like that older aunt who sends out a form letter once a year to tell you all about…

Another Time

Maybe I should have titled it "Shock of Recognition." I found this image from 2008 yesterday, and it startled me because I had mostly forgotten it. I had started a course of serial casting—a new cast every week with my arm extended to a more open position—…

Music and Memories

> Music brings memories back to the brain injured — BrainSong (@BrainSongMJF) February 14, 2014 [] This is not the first time I've noted the benefits of music (and might explain why I've usually got some music playing…

A Day to Remember

What should have been a routine doctor's visit yesterday created a stir when the elevator to the first floor went out of service. The last few patients of the day gamely walked down three flights of stairs. This doesn't have the resonance of Senator Kirk on…