
At The Washington Post, [] Virgil Thomson, via Oanh Ngo Usadi, suggests a variation on the "die three times []" theme seen several times here. > There is a saying, commonly attributed…


> At the restaurant Spyce, dishes are whipped up by a robotic chef built by four recent M.I.T. grads, with input from Daniel Boulud: [] — The New Yorker (@NewYorker) April 9, 2018 […

Deserves Note and Attention

> A message for @JeffBezos []! [] — Alice Waters (@AliceWaters) June 16, 2017 []…

Wrap Up

Clafouti was quite pleasant. Just having to write it wasn't a hot fudge sundae confirms it isn't an American (peach cobbler?) dessert. I wish I would have made more—I was spooked by the recipe's instructions for a 7-8 cup pan and cut back…

Pain Francais

Out in the kitchen there are three nice-looking loaves of French Bread just starting their final rise before going to the oven. I started putting them together at about 9:00 this morning. I would have included bread in my Julia and Julie menu without urging, but these sentences from…

The Main Attraction

Dinner was Poulets Grilles A La Diable and Haricots Verts A La Provencale. In a word, Wow! Choosing a main course was the most difficult and disappointing part of the whole process. While I was just getting familiar with Mastering the Art of French Cooking and trying to figure out…

A Challenge

I've been pretty excited about the upcoming release of Julie and Julia, so I was excited to read about a cooking contest to tie in. Part of the fun for me will be to challenge myself to select and prepare a good menu from Mastering the Art of…