
I was struck by neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki's story on the Moth Radio Hour today, Saying I Love You []. A key moment in her story is remembering her father tell her "All we really have is our memories." The beauty and…

Pico Iyer on Stillness

In Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind [], an op-ed at The New York Times, Pico Iyer tells how regular doctor visits prompted him to undertake an exercise program as he aged. He recounts a friend's reaction to his news with this brilliant image > I proudly…

Sharon Isbin Unplugs

Well, this really reads as if she never even plugged in— > If the weather is good, a run is in order. I feel energized and invigorated and ready to face the day. I usually run for about 25 minutes. I go about two and a half miles, around 10:…

Keep Calm and Carry On?

Way before his time... > 'Have patience and endure.' Shakespeare MA IV.i. Wise words for 2015... — Shakespeare Today (@Shakes_Today) December 31, 2014 []…

Tail Wagging the Dog

> That a university is paying a football coach $5m a year is another reminder of absurdity of higher education. May the system soon collapse. — Paul Kedrosky (@pkedrosky) December 30, 2014 [] via @jcufaude You've got to ask what most professors and lectures…

More on Music's Power to Trigger Memories

Fast Company reports on a device designed to help trigger memories for aging patients with sound [] . It's another testimony to the power and the usefulness of listening to music, and it shows the good sense Nir Barzilai displayed in a recent…

Nearly a Loaf a Day

Loaves 23 and 24—Mother's Christmas Bread—came out of the oven yesterday. This is a recipe Bernard Clayton traces back to Indiana in the 1870s, and it is easily my favorite among the holiday loaves I bake. I'd like to say my holiday kitchen has…

Not the Kind of Quiet I Want

> National Geographic's 2014 Photo of the Year award goes to....a picture about tech addiction: #signofthetimes [] — carlhonore (@carlhonore) December 21, 2014 [] Carl Honore points the way to the National Geographic…