The Need for Speed, Again

Q revisits an essay from Jian Ghomeshi and pulls the following quote

Surely the nuances of human communication and most certainly of literature require a little ... inefficiency; a little space to think and to feel; to consider and reconsider

Though I appreciated the essay, I was really thrown by the "Here's to staying slow" from Jian at the conclusion. After all, he's the guy I just heard complaining to Aisha Tyler

You're preaching to the choir. I'm asking you these questions because I feel the same way. But I do want to get to the farmer's market more; I just don't know how to do it. I love the farmer's market...As long as I can read the book I need to read for the next day's show at the farmer's market.

I remember the pressure of grad school and the need to read a large number of books in a short time. Now I worry that I don't read enough, but never that I don't read quickly enough. This is definitely better.