


gezeleig, sobremesa, utepils, Schnapsleiche, saudade, тоска, flâneur. From Oxford Dictionaries, seven more words worth knowing that don't have an exact equivalent in English [http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2015/07/7-foreign-words-you-need-to-know/]. There's some pretty useful words here, words that I'll actually use (not that tsundoku…


> Just returned from Copenhagen, where HYGGE has no translation in English, but means everything to the Danish. pic.twitter.com/x5Qvsz29wq [http://t.co/x5Qvsz29wq] — J.M. Sandler (@caspiandiary) June 30, 2015 [https://twitter.com/caspiandiary/status/616019263321714689] Hygge was suggested in a note during last night's…

Too Bad There's a Word for This

> In Japanese 'karoshi' means 'death brought on by overwork or job-related exhaustion'. — The OED (@OED) February 20, 2015 [https://twitter.com/OED/status/568833006347128833]…

The OED's Editor

http://oupacademic.tumblr.com/post/110371124465/james-murray-birthdayMaybe it takes an English major to get excited about an anniversary like this. There's a longer and awfully interesting story at the link, but maybe it's enough to look at the shelves in the image to appreciate what a…

Worth Spending Some Time With

> 4 foreign words with no English translation, illustrated http://t.co/KOsSRlDW9p pic.twitter.com/zDBtFwFKm3 [http://t.co/zDBtFwFKm3] — Vox (@voxdotcom) February 6, 2015 [https://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/563777945001406466] Do yourself a favor and visit Anjana Iyer's page at Behance [https://www.behance.net/gallery/…


I don't think this can be classified as untranslatable, but it's a German word I've never heard before and need to add to my vocabulary. Oxford Academic [http://oupacademic.tumblr.com/post/103565296948/word-of-the-day-tischnachbar-german] defines it as person next to one (at table). A…


Another lovely, useful Jspanese word for which there is no translation. > Boketto, the act of gazing vacantly into the distance, without thinking. http://t.co/sT2WB3aybN — On Being (@Beingtweets) October 25, 2014 [https://twitter.com/Beingtweets/status/525986642465529856]…