Wheelchair Handles

The Medgadget web site [http://www.medgadget.com/2014/03/wheelchairhandles-make-pushing-wheelchairs-easier-more-comfy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Medgadget+%28Medgadget%29] points out that "Wheelchairs don’t seem to change much over the years, and fresh designs that do come out tend to…


Kind of a cheesy video for what looks like remarkable technology from 3DSystems. More at dezeen [http://www.dezeen.com/2014/03/05/3d-printed-exoskeleton-helps-paralysed-users-walk/] .…

The Healing Art

Sherwin Nuland, recently deceased, masterfully traces the history of medicine, the turn of medicine from art to science, and the need of physicians to turn back to care. He spells out what that [photo of a group of doctors peering at their monitors instead of their patient](http://mikeschultz.ghost.…

Health Care Consumers

At re/code, Ed Park makes a simple observation about What Health Care Can Learn from Amazon [http://recode.net/2014/02/26/what-health-care-can-learn-from-amazon/]. For Ed, the central issue is "consumer experience" and this paragraph captures his argument well. > The health care industry has been behind the…

No Plateau in Sight

> @polarben [https://twitter.com/polarben] "It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin — Katherine Konner (@soulboat) February 21, 2014 [https://twitter.com/soulboat/statuses/436895223386341376] You wouldn't expect a…

Music and Memories

> Music brings memories back to the brain injured http://t.co/G0gheknYbG — BrainSong (@BrainSongMJF) February 14, 2014 [https://twitter.com/BrainSongMJF/statuses/434161321810989056] This is not the first time I've noted the benefits of music (and might explain why I've usually got some music playing…


PillPack [https://pillpack.com] is an idea that sounds like it makes so much sense I can't believe I haven't heard of it before (never mind that it's supposed to be in common use at nursing homes and the like). I like the idea…

An attitude for rehab

Here's another example of an attitude towards rehab—this one from a story much seen on the web recently about a prosthetic hand that will allow the user to experience sensation [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26036429] > The super-functioning bionic hand of science fiction films remains…