
Scinerds reports a "a breakthough technology that empowers paralyzed people to regain conscious control of their fingers, hands, wrists, and arms. Neurobridge bypasses damaged areas of the nervous system so the brain can communicate directly with the muscles" […

New Diagnostic Tool

This sounds big to me. > Microwave Helmet Could Diagnose Strokes As Patients Ride To Hospital — NPR Health News (@NPRHealth) June 16, 2014 []…

Brain Stimulation Helps Stroke Patients Recover Function

Wow! Now being tested for approval at 12 locations. Video at the link. > Therapy Pioneered In Chicago Could Be Breakthrough For Stroke Patients, — Natl Stroke Assoc (@natlstrokeassoc) June 4, 2014 []…


Gizmodo reports that Dean Kamen's DEKA arm has been approved by the FDA for sale to the public [] . There's much older video available that gives an idea of what installing this arm entails [http://gizmodo.…

Bionic Olympics Coming

> Switzerland Will Host the First Bionic Olympics in 2016 — Berci Meskó, MD, PhD (@Berci) March 30, 2014 []…

Yes, please

> Can a #Chocolate [] Pill Help Prevent #Stroke []? — Natl Stroke Assoc (@natlstrokeassoc) March 27, 2014 [] Here's some background [http://mikeschultz.…

A Hospital Wedding

At The New York Times,Haider Javed Warraich nails it with his story of a wedding conducted in an intensive care unit [] . The key passage? > In today’s outcome-driven,…

How Touchscreens can help stroke patients

> How touchscreen technology from a #smartphone [] can help your doctor measure how you’re moving after a #stroke [], — Natl Stroke Assoc (@natlstrokeassoc) March 12, 2014 [https://twitter.…