Health Care Customer Service

> 4 things doctors and hospitals can learn from Zappos [] — Co.Exist (@FastCoExist) April 6, 2015 [] I was happy and quite satisfied after my recent hospitalization, but I realize that most of…

Brain Stimulation

This report from the PBS NewsHour got my attention with the news that researchers are looking into the possibility that mild electrical stimulation of the brain might improve plasticity. I had to wait till the end for an application directly related to stroke—whether motor function could be improved for…

Early Prosthetics Surveyed

> Prosthetic Limbs Haven't Always Been Modern Technological Marvels — History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) March 28, 2015 [] This is much more thorough than anything I've seen before. Thank goodness we've come such a long way.…

Sensible Health Care

> Why can’t patients receive blood results via text or use Skype for appointments? #mHealth [] — Nick van Terheyden (@drnic1) February 5, 2015 [] The best part of the Guardian report at the link?…

More on Music's Power to Trigger Memories

Fast Company reports on a device designed to help trigger memories for aging patients with sound [] . It's another testimony to the power and the usefulness of listening to music, and it shows the good sense Nir Barzilai displayed in a recent…


> Mobility is a key ingredient to aging successfully and remaining active and independent throughout life. #NationalPhysicalTherapyMonth [] — VirginiaHospitalCtr (@VHC_Hospital) October 11, 2014 [] The hospital where I do rehab reminds me why I do rehab there.…