148 Charles Street

From "148 Charles Street," Willa Cather's recollection of Mrs. James Fields in Not Under Forty, recommended to me by Brain Pickings [https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/02/25/willa-cather-relationships/]— > When one was staying at that house the past lay in wait for one in all…




I saw this a few days ago http://vintageanchorbooks.tumblr.com/post/113688366199/i-like-trees-because-they-seem-more-resigned-to and it called to mind a Herman Hesse saying I remembered from long ago http://liquid-time-bomb.tumblr.com/post/41545316910/trees-are-sanctuaries-whoever-knows-how-to-speak Maria Popova gives a longer appeciation in Hermann Hesse on What Trees Teach Us About…