
> This week's cover, “Bedtime Stories,” by Bruce Eric Kaplan. https://t.co/KXNilCUARs pic.twitter.com/S36UHATjzO [https://t.co/S36UHATjzO] — The New Yorker (@NewYorker) June 3, 2019 [https://twitter.com/NewYorker/status/1135516514910711809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]…

Tsundoku's opposite

> “I always have a certain pile of books that never changes. I have to replace all of them at some point because they’ve gotten completely decrepit. Joan Didion, ‘The White Album.’ Ian Frazier, ‘Great Plains.’ ‘Giving Good Weight,’ John McPhee.” https://t.co/P5Y1J8SUe5 — The Paris Review (@parisreview)…


> I believe in the Greenlight, the bookish future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter—tomorrow we will read faster, buy a bigger tote…. And then one fine morning—So we beat on, pages against the phones, borne back…

Waiting for a word

> We're in dire need of a word for this pic.twitter.com/vrYdztS9fn [https://t.co/vrYdztS9fn] — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) January 1, 2017 [https://twitter.com/ValaAfshar/status/815585550182862848] This strikes me as a definition waiting for a word.…


> Omotenashi is the Japanese word for treating people the way you'd want to be treated, for a posture of customer service that builds long-term trust and loyalty. Found in an unexpected place, Seth Godin's post for the day [https://goo.gl/SzEuVb], it's…

Modern-day translation

> TBRhttps://t.co/Yf9384w2lz via @EpicReads [https://twitter.com/EpicReads] Which books are on your TBR? 📚📘📚📕📚📙 pic.twitter.com/fAcSLeGYx9 [https://t.co/fAcSLeGYx9] — Grammar YUNiversity (@The_YUNiversity) October 10, 2016 [https://twitter.com/The_YUNiversity/status/785464914945142784] So maybe tsundoku can be translated.…


> Great essay by @BeijingPalmer [https://twitter.com/BeijingPalmer] on chabuduo, something everyone in China has noticed but not put in this perspective https://t.co/WnQQ3Pyb0f — James Fallows (@JamesFallows) October 5, 2016 [https://twitter.com/JamesFallows/status/783464557738094592] > But such scenes are an unusual treat. (And, after losing…