A Wheelchair Challenge

I connected with this video last night because I'm living in my wheechair again, though I expect it will only be temporarily. The story and the words of Texas Governor Greg Abbot > Anyone with heart, anyone with determination, anyone with focus on achieving anything can achieve things…


That looks like the title of a John Cage piece, but it's really the time I turned in on the 10-meter course in rehab this morning. I broke the one-minute mark that had been set for me! Not bad.…

Rounding Second

Put my Bioness assistive device back on for the first time in nearly three weeks today and used it while I went outside for the first time in quite a while to execute a transfer to a car. The rest of my sessions I built skill walking and using Bioness,…

What Happened Today

Ended last week meeting a challenge to take some steps for the first time since my accident. Today I managed a ten-meter course three times, performing better for time each time. I got down to 1:07; the challenge for the end of the week is to do it in…

Beating the White Whale

When we were reviewing our goals for the week—walking and climbing stairs—the PT I am working with referred to stairs as my "white whale"—there's no way I can negotiate my way into my home without climbing two stairs. In our second session today…

Another Time

A few times this week I've been asked to wheel myself from my room to the rehab gym. Though the task is no longer hard, it is difficult to do it without remembering the day nine years ago when other therapists required me to complete the same task…

Thought for the Hospital in Today's Paper

> There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl…


Got dressed in real clothes today for the first time in more than a week, and did much of the work myself. OT Danielle showed me how to use a grabber to pull shorts and pants up my legs and it went surprisingly well. Tempting me on my bed is…