
> How do we celebrate our diminishment as we age? We "reject the world as ugly." @ParkerJPalmer [] on beauty: — On Being (@Beingtweets) March 25, 2015 [] The link leads to Palmer's reflection and…

Literary Idolatry

The New York Times writes today of the discovery of the bones of Cervantes and the hold that the burial places of famous writers have on people []. I'm one of those who have made a number of literary pilgrimages and hope to make a…

April means Poetry Month

A. A. Knopf reminds us that Poetry Month is coming with this lovely lyric by Jane Hirshfield [] > Quartz Clock > The ideas of a physicist can be turned into useful objects: a rocket, a quartz clock, a microwave oven for cooking. The…


> 'I will be turned into compost when I die': [] — BBC Future (@BBC_Future) February 25, 2015 [] Didn't take much to remind me how far ahead of…

On Approaching Seventy

> Watching the hands of my son kneading challah dough on the maple cutting board in my kitchen, a memory > rises of my mother bending over our kitchen table in Flatbush, pressing, stretching, folding flour, water, eggs > into a living elastic. Sometimes in my dreams, Mom appears, whispers…

When You Are Old

The Lament of the Old Woman of Beare [] takes a look at aging from the tenth century.…

Music Recalled

Anne Porter's Music was the selection the other day at The Writer's Almanac []. > When I was a child I once sat sobbing on the floor Beside my mother’s piano As she played and sang For there was in her…

Evolutionary Growth

> “You don’t need to know a thing about quantum entanglement, wherein one atom can affect another even though they are separated by tremendous distance, to have some sense that our lives are always larger than the physical limitations within which they occur. We exist apart from our existences,…