
A final treat in Pittsburgh was Fontinella cheese purchased in the Strip Saturday with breakfast. This cheese has great flavor and a real pleasing texture. It is not your typical supermarket cheese, and enjoying it makes me wonder why we so often settle for easy-to-find, no shopping involved grocery products.…

Mung Bean Pancakes are First Stop

Mung bean pancakes on Penn Avenue have been my favorite down here for years, and they're still good. I was a little surprised to see this gentleman making the pancakes. Has he replaced the woman who worked here for years?…

Down the Street to Wholey's

This picture doesn't do justice to the seafood you can find at Wholey's []. Taken today with Monkfish for only $9.98 a pound and Pike for about the same. If we weren't planning a family outing to an Eastern European…

An Enemy in the Street

Almost forgot to post the first snap I made when I got to the Strip. When you're in Pittsburgh, it's hard to forget that you're in Steeler territory. I had too much pride to snap the derogatory T-shirts about Cleveland many vendors were displaying.…

The Pictures I Missed

Most of these posts were made after I got home and put the phone on charge. I can't share lunch at Pamela's [], Mon Aimee Chocolat [], frothy hot chocolate at La Prima [] (sorry Starbuck's…