Hello Spoon

Not as fancy as some, but more evidence that robots are coming to health care. More at Medgadget [http://www.medgadget.com/2014/10/hellospoon-mealtime-robot-helps-those-that-cant-feed-themselves-video.html]…

Now that's planning ahead

Kate Murphy on Nir Barzilai at The New York Times [http://nyti.ms/1sDsfWk]— > But also there’s evidence that people with Alzheimer’s respond well to music they know. I’m preparing my Alzheimer’s playlist, which will include the first song I remember hearing in English, Tom…

Air Splint

Added a new tool to my arsenal today, an air splint. Jon, the OT, used it to immobilize my arm while he used manual motion and electrotherapy on my shoulder.…

The Signs are Everywhere

Well, almost everywhere, but pretty unmistakable I think. The robot revolution is nearly here. I'm not sure how I'll react. > Robots help deliver meals for patients http://t.co/I1zQII20TH — Medgadget (@Medgadget) September 3, 2014 [https://twitter.com/Medgadget/status/507274128869822464]…

Making a Hospital Stay Feel Better

This simple observation in Fast Company's How Integrating The Arts Into Hospitals Could Humanize Health Care [http://www.fastcoexist.com/3034374/how-integrating-the-arts-into-hospitals-could-humanize-healthcare#6] > For example, music therapy is often used to reintroduce speech to stroke victims, or to dull the effect of extreme pain (because of the…

A Balanced Diet?

Oh, no! Maybe I should just eat more pistachios with my chocolate [https://mikeschultz.ghost.io/tag/chocolate/] > Pistachios are high in potassium and may help with blood pressure control. Yum! pic.twitter.com/bLPLB9ESSM [http://t.co/bLPLB9ESSM] — Cleveland Clinic (@ClevelandClinic) August 17, 2014 [https://twitter.com/ClevelandClinic/…


One of the small, but deeply felt, frustrations in my life is the inability to use chopsticks easily. I've worked at it— but it's not as easy or as successful as I want it to be. Here's word that a solution may not be…