The past isn't past?

“It isn't only living people who die, it is great stretches of living, which can die even when the people who lived there still exist. > “It isn't only living people who die, it is great stretches of living, which can die even when the people…

Another by Faulkner on Time

> “There is no such thing as was—only is. If was existed, there would be no grief or sorrow.” —William Faulkner — The Paris Review (@parisreview) November 29, 2019 []…

Time. In the South

> -All the King’s Men (RPW) so much richer than I recalled from rushed reading in college. And throwaway line near the end (like Faulkner's “past” but less labored) resonated w scenes like this from Minnesota and this from Mississippi…

Anderson Bridge

> A real plaque marks the spot where William Faulkner's character Quentin Compson committed fictional suicide — Atlas Obscura (@atlasobscura) May 14, 2016 [] Till now, the only marker of a fictional spot that I've known is at…

Meditations on Time

I've meant to record these two for a while— > Time passed. But time flows in many streams. Like a river, an inner stream of time will flow rapidly at some places and sluggishly at others, or perhaps even stand hopelessly stagnant. Cosmic time is the same for…