One Patient's Progress

Miles O'Brien lost part of his arm [] to compartmant syndrome in 2014. He's now reporting on his progress in rehab [] and showing a little bit of what's possible with prosthetics today. I&…

As American as...chocolate

> Why Hot Chocolate Might Be More American Than Apple Pie [] — Morning Edition (@MorningEdition) February 12, 2015 [] There's plenty of posts on chocolate [] here…

The OED's Editor it takes an English major to get excited about an anniversary like this. There's a longer and awfully interesting story at the link, but maybe it's enough to look at the shelves in the image to appreciate what a…

Harper Lee Unplugs

> "In an abundant society where people have laptops, cell phones, iPods, and minds like empty rooms, I still plod along with books"~Harper Lee — Archie Camps (@thebookmania) February 7, 2015 [] Though in this case I suspect she never plugged in.…

Really, Whole Foods!

> Your love deserves heart healthy dark chocolate this year. #healthYeah [] [] — Whole Foods Vienna (@WFMVienna) February 6, 2015 [] I think they're a little wide of the mark…

Worth Spending Some Time With

> 4 foreign words with no English translation, illustrated [] — Vox (@voxdotcom) February 6, 2015 [] Do yourself a favor and visit Anjana Iyer's page at Behance […

Pockets of Stillness

> “Build pockets of stillness into your life.” — @brainpicker [] — On Being (@Beingtweets) February 5, 2015 [] Krista Tippett is interviewing Maria Popova this afternoon.…


> “Marginalia is a present mind interacting with a past mind.” — @brainpicker [] — On Being (@Beingtweets) February 5, 2015 []…