Yes, they should
More museums should do this ... routinely. Not everyone has availability to visit in their traditional opening hours.
— Jeffrey Cufaude (he/him) (@jc46202) February 29, 2020
It’s 2 a.m. at the Louvre, and You’re Hanging With Leonardo
When the Smithsonian used to have evening hours routinely (and before I was married), I used to enjoy staying in town and visiting the museums. Of the Times report of the Leonardo exhibition in Paris I am most drawn to the statements "Visitors snaked around the galleries in orderly queues as if it were a regular weekday, taking turns in front of each drawing, painting or vitrine, and forming clusters around the highlights: the extraordinary drapery studies in the first room, executed when Leonardo was a young apprentice; the anatomical and botanical drawings, set in vitrines; and star paintings such as the 'Virgin of the Rocks' and 'La Belle Ferronnière.'" and "Another striking feature of the nocturnal visitors was that they avoided the selfie-taking, chatter and banter that might be expected of a generally younger audience. The impression given was that of an educated, cultured crowd already familiar with the Louvre — not quite the new-audience demographic that the museum was seeking to attract." If you build it they will come would not be quite the right title for this post, but perhaps a variation should be.