unfinished business

This morning’s paper promises an article tomorrow on the fortieth anniversary of The Beachboys album Pet Sounds. Who says I’m not getting old?

I never wrote about last weekend’s piano recital. It was noticeable for two reasons, who was in the audience and the quality of the playing.

I ran into a friend from my workplace, someone I haven’t seen in months. Not only did we have a nice talk, her report to her friends later set off a round of calls from other friends. In conversation yesterday someone told me you’ve helped a lot of people over the years. A nice compliment that reinforces my desire to get well enough to return to work.

The performance was by Denis Matsuev, who won the Tchaikovsky competition in 1998. It was definitely the best recital I’ve been to in a long time. Other than a petulant complaint about young performers who like to play loud and fast (after Tchaikovsky’s Seasons, the Mephisto Waltz and Three Scenes from Petroushka), I don’t have anything but good to say about the playing. It seemed to me that this guy can do anything at the keyboard and plays not just with confidence but with authority as well. Will be interesting to hear him again as he grows and adds some more subtle music to his repertory.